Berrylin McGehee Houston

Ms. Houston has been an active volunteer and philanthropist in Jacksonville for many years, including Board leadership in Gateway’s early years. She went to Ward-Belmont College in Nashville, TN and the University of Florida. Previous community activities include: JCCI Board; UNF College of Health, Deans Council; Jacksonville Wolfson Children’s Hospital Board (President); JWN Board; HRS-District IV Alcohol and Drug Abuse & Mental Health Board (President); Florida State ADM Board President; Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church Deaconess; I.M. Sulzbacher (Board); TPC Village (Board President); Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women (1987-1993) and; Mountain Top Institute Board. Ms. Houston was an EVE Award recipient for Volunteer Service in 1986 and a Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Associate (FADAA) Citizen of the Year.